I didn't get to do any stitching on Saturday as I hoped. Sunday saw a family member admitted to hospital so a trip to the QMC to help out meant no stitching but on Monday I started stitching and have done some everyday this week. As usual Celtic Autumn jumped into my hands and I have now finished all the swirls on one side of her dress.

I'd got to a really fiddly bit whereby doing 4 or more stitches in one colour in one go felt like a long row of stitches. Having stuck with it I'm now looking forward to doing some of the bigger blocks of colour although I suspect that by the time I've finished the first lot I'll be sick to death of ecru.
Today is our wedding anniversary and we are treating ourselves to a meal out tonight and I have just been given a lovely bunch of flowers by Husband. He wasn't meant to be getting me flowers as we had bought the new U2 album as an anniversary present to each other. I'll let him off as he also combined it with a sales pitch on a website for the flower shop LOL.
Your Celtic Autumn looks terrific. Those swirls in her dress just add a lot of beauty.
Have a great anniversary and enjoy your dinner.
I agree with Brigette about Celtic Autumn and I really love the colours of it though it's not usually my style I must admit. Also Happy Anniversary and your dh is right the flower shop definitely needs a website. Lots of Love Patti xxx
That looks fabulous!!
Happy Anniversary!!
Beautiful shock! Thanks for sharing.
And happy anniversary. How many years?
Happy Anniversary to you both. :0)
Hope the family member is OK.
CA is gorgeous - glad you managed to pick up a needle again. :0)
This is looking really pretty.
Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary. Celtic Autumn is looking lovely.
CA looks great :) I stitched her a few years back but changed the colors. She is one of my favorite pieces that I have displayed :)
I look forward to seeing your updates!
Happy Anniversary :)
You are making lovely progress and its a very pretty colour scheme you are doing on this one.
You are making beautiful progress Angela.
Happy Belated Anniversary.
hope you had a wonderful anniversary. Celtic autumn is simply stunning already. you asked what the Q snaps were like. well now that i have used them for a week or so i can tell you that, yes there good, but for the money that they cost i wouldnt say that they were any better than a good quality hoop. i will be stitching on black aida again soo so i will let you know if it marks it or not (like the hoops tend to do), also i ma thinking of going across the strines the week and taking the kids into bakewell/matlock, is wye needlecraft good,and are there any good fabric shops your way too, as Holmfirth is not a great source!
Happy belated anniversary, Angela. Hope you had a lovely day and a lovely meal!
Celtic Autumn is *stunning*! I know what you mean with the many colour changes, though. After my Rites of Spring I'm now doing a border in one colour and I don't find it boring at all :o))
Celtic Autumn looks amazing, you have done SO much work on her, hope you're proud of yourself and can see how much you have achieved.
Lovely progress and happy belated anniversary. Hope you had a lovely meal out. Congrats on your dh's new site too - looks fab. x
Celtic autumn looks great, I really need to dig my wip out again. Happy Anniversary, I hope you both have a lovely evening out
Happy anniversary!
And congratulations on picking your needle back up. Those swirls are gorgeous!
Hi Angela,
Fantastic stitching it is beautiful.. I love the colours.I keep thinking I should do one of these but have a stash that will keep me going for years and years and years!
In answer to your question our little pup is a cross... a cockapoo which is a cocker spaniel and poodle so she won't moult as they have hair not fur.
Happy Anniversary
Chris x
Hi Angela
Thanks for visiting my blog, you are the first other "Angela" that I have known :) I grew up on Buckingham Rise and still have family that live on Avon Street. My family used to go back every year to visit but we haven't been back since 1994 so it's been a really long time! Your Celtic Autumn looks wonderful, I have Celtic Spring in my stash and keep looking at her.
It's nice, you stitch very good. And if you need a stitching break, well that's no problem at all, you do what you like to do.
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