At long last the quiz league season has come to an end which means that intensity of constant and numerous weekly deadlines, that have to be met no matter what, has also come to an end. On Thursday I definitely had the it's the start of the summer holidays feeling that I used to get as both a pupil and teacher. Don't get me wrong the work hasn't ended, in many ways it is just starting but the pressure is off, until next October.
To celebrate on Friday I went on a long walk around Lathkill Dale and yesterday I had my usual, you can relax now, migraine.
Where I always sit and enjoy the sound of the water.

Not sure why I have the school's out feeling as actually I have a mountain of stuff to catch up on but as I promised myself a weeks holiday once the league season was over I'm trying to ignore that as much as possible. Luckily for me the weather seems to be co-operating as we have a dry forecast for the next week so hopefully I'll get some more walking and possibly even some gardening done during my week off. No chance of actually going away, Husband's far too busy.
One idea that I've seen on other blogs is the idea of collecting via email snail mail addresses for RAK's an idea that I love as I'm the world's worst at meeting stitching deadlines, probably because of the constant deadlines with my job. However I love stitching RAK's but know from experience how difficult it can be to surprise someone. When I did Jennifer's RAK I had to let her in on the surprise in order to get her address. So if you think that sometime in the future you might like an RAK to drop through your door from me than please email me. You can find do this by sending your address via the contact me buttons on either my Peakwalker or Quizwise websites. Please put RAK in the title and let me know which is your blog so as that I can get some idea of your tastes if I decide to send you an RAK. There are no guarantees that you will get something or how soon it will be but please do join in.