No sewing yesterday as Husband was ironing whilst watching the cricket so I couldn't get to my sewing chair. Instead I spent far too much time browsing the internet and signed up to 'Jayne's Attic Forum'. I was then a little naughty, as I planned on being a silent reader for a few days, but saw the 'Good Friends Count SAL that was starting so signed up for it before I'd introduced myself. This morning I spotted the August Challenge so voted on that. I really liked the design I voted for and could see it as a pin keep, which I really fancy having a go at, so I hope it wins.
In between browsing Jayne's Attic I started getting up-to-date with my website which is only 7 walks behind!! Not being able to get out walking on a regular basis has meant I've not been keeping up with my postings but now I'm fit(tish) again I need to catch up fast. So it's another computer day for me today.
Early yesterday saw me back in the swimming pool for the first time in months. I only managed 50 lengths and it felt like I was swimming through treacle but at least that too is progress. Mind my arms are aching today!! I'll settle for my easier routine in the gym later and hopefully a walk tomorrow which give my arms the chance to recover.
An attempt to record my stitching, gardening and other interests. Or, an account of how I keep busy now the children are grown and nearly flown the nest.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Monday, 28 July 2008
Sunday - Shades of Grey & Rail Roading
More progress on the fitness front as today I was able to return to the gym, no running yet but otherwise I was able to do my short program without any ill effect on my ankle.
The afternoon and evening were spent on Love Songs and I almost got the black keys finished. Each key has four different colours in it so they were quite fiddly. I seemed to spend more time threading my needle than I did stitching as it wasn't possible to park and stitch. I had to eventually stop stitching when I realised I'd got two back stitch stitches in the wrong place and had to unpick all the back stitch in that key. My eyes were getting tired. These aren't all of the keys, there are six more but I won't get around to them for a while yet.

The afternoon and evening were spent on Love Songs and I almost got the black keys finished. Each key has four different colours in it so they were quite fiddly. I seemed to spend more time threading my needle than I did stitching as it wasn't possible to park and stitch. I had to eventually stop stitching when I realised I'd got two back stitch stitches in the wrong place and had to unpick all the back stitch in that key. My eyes were getting tired. These aren't all of the keys, there are six more but I won't get around to them for a while yet.

My Celtic Lady chart arrived on Friday and Hazel has sent me a link to the different colour variations so I also spent some time looking at them. I think I'll probably stick to the colours in the chart as all of the variations involve more orange and brown colours and there are plenty of them in Love Songs. As I'm hoping to do her on linen I have practised using the rail roading technique (which I saw in a Jane Greenoff book) when I was doing the keys on Love Songs. It certainly slowed me down but seeing how flat my stitches appeared it was worth the effort.
Thursday - Saturday: Busy, Busy, Busy
Wow where have the last few days gone? Thursday and Friday were spent celebrating family birthdays. Thursday was Husband's birthday and then on Friday it was my daughter's birthday and yes she did like her Eyeore.
Thursday was also a significant day for me as at long last I'm able to get back out walking after nearly two months spent waiting for my ligaments to heal properly. I had a quick walk, above Hathersage, exploring a path below Higger Tor that I haven't been on before. The views were pretty awful as there was a really thick heat haze but it was very warm and the crowds were out near the river. When I got home I hurriedly made some Chocolate Chip Muffins so as that we could stick a candle in one and sing Husband Happy Birthday before we went out for a meal to celebrate his birthday
Amy had requested a coffee cake for her birthday so Friday was another baking day but this time it was take-away (Amy's request) instead of a meal out. I had also reached that stage in my reading where I simply had to keep on reading, so it was a quiet evening in reading. I finished The Vows of Silence the next morning straight after breakfast. I always enjoy Susan Hill's books, having been introduced to her as part of my A level Literature course and this book was no exception. Although it's a crime thriller it was actually the story around Cat's family that held my attention this time. If you haven't read it it's well worth reading but do read the others in the series first.
I had planned on getting my front garden straight on Saturday but it was far too hot to work outside so I did some work on Love Songs instead. I had hoped to get the black keys finished this weekend but got distracted by the 20/20 cricket final which was so good it made me put my sewing down so as that I could watch it in full.

I had planned on getting my front garden straight on Saturday but it was far too hot to work outside so I did some work on Love Songs instead. I had hoped to get the black keys finished this weekend but got distracted by the 20/20 cricket final which was so good it made me put my sewing down so as that I could watch it in full.
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Love Songs & Celtic Autumn
Yesterday was a busy day as I had a job interview in the afternoon and had to cook 'Sunday dinner' as well. I know it was Tuesday, but Sunday Dinner has always been the children's favourite meal, this Sunday everyone was busy and it was impossible to find a time when we could all sit down together so it was cooked and eaten on Tuesday instead.
In the evening I did however manage to find some time to work on Love Songs. I started this piece mid-June, after finishing Eyeore. It is going to be a Christmas present for one of my sisters. I have had the chart for years (it's discontinued now) and originally planned on doing it on linen but as it was my first big piece with the magnifying lamp I wasn't sure how my eyes would cope so played it safe and went for 14 count aida. As you can see I have some way to go yet but I'm pleased with my progress so far.

I shall be working on it again tonight and hope to get some of the black keys finished.
For a long time now I have been looking at the Celtic Ladies and debating whether or not to do one and now I have the perfect excuse. I came across Karen's Celtic Ladies SAL and asked if I could join. Karen has said yes so after much debate I have decide to stitch Celtic Autumn.

Isn't she gorgeous? I'm ordering the chart today and she is most definitely not going to be done on Aida. I'm itching to start her.

I shall be working on it again tonight and hope to get some of the black keys finished.
For a long time now I have been looking at the Celtic Ladies and debating whether or not to do one and now I have the perfect excuse. I came across Karen's Celtic Ladies SAL and asked if I could join. Karen has said yes so after much debate I have decide to stitch Celtic Autumn.

Isn't she gorgeous? I'm ordering the chart today and she is most definitely not going to be done on Aida. I'm itching to start her.
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
The Time Traveller's Wife

Monday, 21 July 2008
First Post - Eyeore
Having recently picked up my needle again, after the purchase of a magnifying lamp and reading glasses made it possible to see to sew, my first task was to complete a UFO in time for my daughter's birthday. It had originaly been planned as an 18th birthday present for her to take to university but 2 years on it is now a surprise for her 20th.

She has always been a big Eyeore fan and like most teenagers can sleep for a very long time. I hope she likes it.

She has always been a big Eyeore fan and like most teenagers can sleep for a very long time. I hope she likes it.
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