Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Love Songs & Celtic Autumn

Yesterday was a busy day as I had a job interview in the afternoon and had to cook 'Sunday dinner' as well. I know it was Tuesday, but Sunday Dinner has always been the children's favourite meal, this Sunday everyone was busy and it was impossible to find a time when we could all sit down together so it was cooked and eaten on Tuesday instead.

In the evening I did however manage to find some time to work on Love Songs. I started this piece mid-June, after finishing Eyeore. It is going to be a Christmas present for one of my sisters. I have had the chart for years (it's discontinued now) and originally planned on doing it on linen but as it was my first big piece with the magnifying lamp I wasn't sure how my eyes would cope so played it safe and went for 14 count aida. As you can see I have some way to go yet but I'm pleased with my progress so far.

I shall be working on it again tonight and hope to get some of the black keys finished.

For a long time now I have been looking at the Celtic Ladies and debating whether or not to do one and now I have the perfect excuse. I came across Karen's Celtic Ladies SAL and asked if I could join. Karen has said yes so after much debate I have decide to stitch Celtic Autumn.

Isn't she gorgeous? I'm ordering the chart today and she is most definitely not going to be done on Aida. I'm itching to start her.


Stephanie said...

Hi Angela - thanks for your note on my blog! Celtic Autumn will be a big old project, but one you'll enjoy I'm sure - it helps so much being in a SAL, really keeps you motivated :) I'm going to put your blog in my reader and keep up to date with you :)

Hazel said...

Lovely stitching! Celtic Autumn is a lovely one. I have seen it done in more English autumn colours and know there is a conversion somewhere. I'll see if I can find it for you. xx

Hazel said...

This is one conversion pic and colours if you scroll down but after doing some research there are many different conversions. You could have a lot of fun looking.

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's a long time since I last saw Love Songs. It's such a beautiful project. I am looking forward to seeing your progress.

Hey, don't you worry about using aida. I'm an aida stitcher through and through, and yes, my Celtic Lady is on aida too. I'm stitching her in the green/rust conversion.